Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Life is not too bad to live.......

Just now i have realized this fact of life that its a mere reflection of your attitude.
how will you define life....... let me do this for you, its the way you shape your thoughts, your happiness, your sorrows, your mind. Why to make things complicated when simpler ways can be follow?

When god has created this world, he has gifted a beautiful thing to human being, from which other species are deprived of, which has made us superior on others. Wann know about that gift..........its our multi functional & multi talented MIND.

Start utilising it & You will understand its limitless power..................

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Its a begining

Friends I have started this blog to publish my thoughts about that everything which i am really interested in.
I will always appreciate your comments to improve my blog. 
This is the first time, I am writing a blog, so if anything goes wrong, my friends, your support would help me to make a come back.


With all my best wishes,
Manila Singh